Thursday, February 19, 2009

Febbruary 19, 2009 Stay Focused

This has been a trying week to say the least. I took a fall this week while transferring from my desk chair to my wheelchair. I lean on the arm of the wheelchair for stability, however this time the arm snapped and broke, leaving me to plunge to the ground. I felt like a beached whale...not one of my finest moments. My body has not been very forgiving, as my neck and back are killing me.

Yesterday I spent 8 hours in the hospital with my grand daughter who was having abdominal pain. Thankfully she is doing better and no emergency surgery, they thought it was her appendix.

So as I am feeling the mental and physical pain of the week I am searching for meaning in all of this. My pastor says "in everything give thanks". (Yes Ray, I listen you your words of wisdom.) It is hard, it is an effort see the good in our pain and suffering. Tell me what there is to be thankful in this two events? Truthfully, things could have been alot worse, broken bones, cancer, any number of things. We humans are so silly, we bare the burdens, worry ourselves to death and for what. God is in control, and our worries don't change a thing. If we could just stay focused on the Main Thing.....God, not ourselves. Does this mean I have given up worrying? Not a chance, as I am so human it hurts. I am trying to be better, more positive, live life with a purpose, help other and stay focused on the things outside of my head. That is one of the purposes of this blog, admitting the pain, but trying to be more positive about it. You know in the words of Chuck Swindoll, a wise and wonder man of God, Life is 10 % what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Lord give me the wisdom and strenght to react appropriately.

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