Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28, 2008 Lending a Helping Hand

Today was a long day. It was close for my department at work which is always long and stressful.

I have been thinking about what I want to do with this blog. I was inspired by Chris Fabry from Moody Broadcastings "Chris Fabry Live". I listen to him every day at 3:00PM on WRMB 89.3 locally. He broadcasts from his home in Colrado Springs. I have been a follower of both Chris and his wife Anrea who use to host Mid day conntection, another of my favorite programs. They have 9 children and have been dealing with mold in there home. They have had to move out due to health problems from the mold. I relate well to their situation as I have mold issues and am sure it is what has been causing my increased health issues the past five years.

I want my blog not only to keep family and friends updated, but some how make a difference. Not to focus so much on myself, but being creatively helpful to the reader. I have some crazy being handicapped, in a wheelchair limits my ability to do everything I need done around my house. One might think condo living would be better, but I love my yard and garden. The problem is my yard is out of control due to my limitations. My first crazy thought is, what about those condo dwellers who would love to garden and have no place to do it. Maybe we could have and exchange, I'll provide the yard and the provide the help in gardening. It would solve both of our problems....they do in intercity community gardens!

My next idea is there is alot of other folks out there in my condition and need help. My church is small and don't have the man power to due alot of physical labor ministry to people like myself, however there are folks out there who need to do community service. What if some of those needing community service time could be directed to qualifying folks in need of a helping hand. I know it sounds crazy, but why not?

Oh well, that's my thought for today.

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